Bandeau du Laboratoire d'Informatique & Systèmes (LIS)

Offre de cdd

Fichier PDF   CDD : 4 Postdoc Positions in Quantum Information, Computation, and Foundations

Candidature avant : 08/09/2024

Modalité :
Applicants should include the following materials in their application: 1. their full academic CV, including a list of publications, 2. a cover letter (max 1 page) mentioning their expertise and fit with the theme(s) of the specific postdoc position(s) they want to apply for, including their order of preference, 3. a research statement (max 3 pages) outlining their research goals for the duration of the postdoc and ideas for potential collaborative projects, 4. two reference letters to be sent directly by the referees to All materials above, including the name and email of the two references, should be sent by email to Ravi Kunjwal ( It is possible to indicate an interest in more than one position: if so, the applicant must indicate their order of preference among the positions for which they are applying. This order will be taken into account in the evaluation of the application so it is in the applicant’s best interest to focus their application on the theme that best fits their research profile and interests. The deadline for sending all these materials (including reference letters to be sent directly by the referees) is September 8, 2024 (timezone AoE). Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in September and final offers will be made soon after all the interviews are done.

Résumé :
Applications are invited for 4 two-year postdoctoral positions starting January 2025 on research themes funded by the A*MIDEX Chaire d’Excellence project, “Quantumness: combinatorial, computational, and distributed” (QCCD) . This project is hosted at Aix-Marseille University (AMU) in the Calcul Naturel (CANA) team of the computer science lab, Laboratoire d’Informatique et des Systèmes (LIS). As part of the requirements for this funding scheme, the applicants should not be currently employed by AMU and should have obtained their last academic degree outside of AMU. There is one postdoc position available under each of the following research themes: 1. Models of quantum computation, 2. Nonclassicality in quantum algorithms, 3. Quantum causality, 4. Quantum information and foundations. For a more detailed description of these themes, please consult the attached PDF.

Fichier PDF   CDD : Ingénieur d’étude (Projet Glanum - équipe I&M)

Candidature avant : 31/03/2024

Modalité :
Les candidatures doivent être déposées au plus tôt sous la forme d\'un unique fichier pdf envoyé par courriel à Pierre Drap (pierre.drap at, et Motasem Nawaf (motasem.nawaf att Voir le fichier pdf pour plus de détails.

Résumé :
Ce contrat d’ingénieur d’études s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet A*Midex VRAK3D - Virtual Archaeology, when knowledge meets 3D, porté par le Laboratoire Informatique et Systèmes (LIS). Missions: Élaboration et gestion des modèles 3D du site archéologique de Glanum ; Élaboration de solutions de sémantisation de modèles 3D avec les membres des laboratoires partenaires du projet ; Mise en place d’un outil de visualisation des données 3D enrichies ; Communication et valorisation des résultats de la recherche.

Fichier PDF   CDD : Engineer position: Microscopy Image Analysis with deep learning

Candidature avant : 01/01/2024

Modalité :
The application must include a resume specifying the last diplomas obtained and the elements of professional experience, and a letter of motivation. Examination of application will begin on December 1st, 2023. Expected start date: Early 2024. Please submit application materials to: • Dr. Marc-Emmanuel Bellemare : • Dr. Jean-Pierre Baudoin : • Pr. Laurence Camoin Jau :

Résumé :
As part of the AMIDEX SEMENDO-BASE research project, Aix-Marseille University is recruiting a biological image analysis engineer. The aim is to implement methods and tools for managing and analyzing images generated by scanning electron microscopy. The project is co-developed by LIS (computer sciences laboratory) and IHU Méditerranée Infection – APHM, La Timone Hospital.

Fichier PDF   CDD : Manager projets Européens et projet PIA

Candidature avant : 01/06/2023

Modalité :
cv + lettre de motivation à adresser à

Résumé :
Manager de projets européens au titre du programme Horizon Europe (H2020) et Projet au titre du Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (PIA)

Fichier PDF   CDD : M1/M2R internship proposal in machine learning / signal and image processing

Candidature avant : 01/03/2023

Modalité :
Candidate should be enrolled in a Master 1 or Master 2 or engineer diploma in 2023. Therefore, the starting date is flexible (according to the academic constraints of the candidate). Please, contact and send your application (CV) to Julien Flamant ( and/or Yassine Zniyed (

Résumé :
Many imaging applications rely on the acquisition, processing and analysis of 3D or 4D vectorial data pixels: this includes notably color imaging (red, blue and green channels) or polarimetric imaging (4D Stokes parameters at each pixel). Such multichannel data is often represented using quaternions – a generalization of complex numbers in four dimensions - in order to simplify expressions and leverage unique geometric and physical insights offered by this algebraic representation. Therefore, datasets of color or polarimetric images can be viewed as a collection of quaternion-valued matrices, which form multidimensional quaternion arrays – also called quaternion tensors. The aim of this internship is to demonstrate the potential of quaternion tensor decompositions for learning features from databases of color and polarimetric images.

Fichier PDF   CDD : Ingénieur de recherche (Projet TNTM - équipe COALA)

Candidature avant : 01/11/2022

Modalité :
Les candidatures doivent être déposées au plus tôt sous la forme d'un unique fichier pdf envoyé par courriel à Cyril Terrioux (cyril.terrioux at Voir le fichier pdf pour plus de détails.

Résumé :
L'ingénieur de recherche recruté viendra en soutien des enseignants-chercheurs et des doctorants travaillant sur les trois axes du projet TNTM sur lesquels travaille l'équipe COALA. Parmi ses missions, il aura en charge la construction des jeux de données qui seront utilisés pour évaluer les algorithmes de résolution de ces trois problèmes. Pour cela, il devra procéder à la collecte des données auprès du partenaire industriel (CMA CGM) ou d'organisme tiers (pour les données météorologiques par exemple), à leur nettoyage et à leur mise en forme dans un format adéquat qui sera défini en collaboration étroite avec les enseignants-chercheurs et les doctorants concernés. Il participera également au développement des solutions logicielles en veillant particulièrement à leur efficacité pratique, à leur validité et à leur documentation.

Fichier PDF   CDD : Research engineer position at Aix Marseille University (France) - SELEXINI project

Candidature avant : 02/05/2022

Modalité :
Please send your CV and a few lines explaining why you are applying to carlos.ramisch [AT] before May 2.

Résumé :
SELEXINI ( is a research project whose goal is to develop next-generation word sense induction methods for French. The induced lexicons will not only cluster word usages according to their senses, but also contain multiword expressions, argumental structure, generated definitions, etc. The developed word sense induction methods will build upon large pre-trained language models (e.g. FlauBERT, CamemBERT) and existing lexical resources (French Wiktionary). We are currently looking for an engineer whose mission will be to put in place the initial infra-structure of the project. This mission will have five phases: (1) corpus curation, (2) preprocessing, (3) pre-lexicon extraction, (4) language model adaptation, and (5) corpus-lexicon alignment. Details: